In the Congregation
The mission of Congregational Care is to extend the love and compassion of Christ to our church family in times of need, sorrow, illness and joy.
Become a part of Congregational Care through one or more of our 14 ministry areas below. Are you or someone you know in need of one of these services? Please contact the chair of Congregational Care, Sandi Otwell.
Become a part of Congregational Care through one or more of our 14 ministry areas below. Are you or someone you know in need of one of these services? Please contact the chair of Congregational Care, Sandi Otwell.
Almanah Women
Fellowship and support for the widows in our congregation. The women meet on the second Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. for lunch (location rotates), and on the last Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. for a movie in the Youth Lounge. Contact Doris Mengel at 336-294-5207 for more information. Sign up sheets for lunches are located on the Senior Adults bulletin board. Bereavement Ministry Over a period of 11 months, support is given to those in our congregation who have lost a parent, spouse, or child. College Ministry Twice a year at exam time the church sends care packages and cards to our college students. Are you a college student? Do you have a college student? Please send Church Administrator Jane Sharpe, churchadmin at guilfordpark dot org, a current address for packages to be mailed. Communion Ministry Each month we deliver Communion to our members who are not in church. If you are an ordained elder not currently in the rotation, you are invited to be a part of this ministry. Non-ordained members are invited to partner with an elder and serve. Congregational Nurse Our Congregational Nurse, Susan Smith, can be reached at 336-209-4123 or susancsmith2011 at gmail dot com. Flower Ministry Weeks when the flowers are not taken home, the bouquets are broken down and taken to members at home or in the hospital. Funeral Hospitality Following a funeral, the church will provide a reception if the family wishes. Members are needed to provide cookies for the receptions. |
Home Ministry
Twice a year at Christmas and Easter, care baskets are provided to our homebound members. Intercessory Prayer Each week, prayer concerns are emailed out to this group of folks who then lift the concerns up in prayer. Concerns may be public or private. Fill out a Prayer Concern card in the pews and place it in the offering plate. Or you may email Bob Ewalt rewalt at triad dot rr dot com with your concern. Military Ministry At least twice a year care packages are sent to our members serving in the military, with special care taken for those who are overseas. Check your bulletin for items to bring in for these packages. Prayer Shawl Ministry The love and prayers of the congregation are infused into our prayer shawls which are offered to those who are sick, having surgery, moving away from the congregation, or grieving. All donations of shawls are accepted. If you would like to take a shawl to someone, please contact the church office and we will arrange that for you. Tool Men Ministry Folks from the church will complete small home repair projects for our elderly members. Things like changing lightbulbs and fixing doorbells are on the list of projects that can be done. If you're handy, we'd love to have your help. If you are in need of this service, please contact Judy Campbell gj1508 at bellsouth dot net. Visitation Ministry Visit congregation members who are homebound and/or those who just need a visit. We are always looking for more folks to visit. Contact Levina Kollar levina at peoplepc dot com if you're interested in participating. |